Sokola Asmat
2014 - 2016
This program was organized for the Asmat people who lived along the upper Pomats River in Mumugu Batas Batu Village, Sawaerma District, Asmat Regency, Papua. The community faced nearly 100% illiteracy due to the absence of formal schools, as the village could only be accessed via the river. Meanwhile, a road and port were being constructed in another part of the village, raising concerns about the indigenous people being displaced by newcomers if they lacked basic literacy skills. Additionally, a leprosy outbreak had socially ostracized the people of Mumugu Batas Batu. Sokola Asmat focused on children and teenagers, providing basic and applied literacy for two years. By the end of the program, at least 90 children and teens were literate and able to use their skills to help themselves and others in daily life. After Sokola completed its goals, education for the children and teens of Mumugu Batas Batu Village was continued by a foundation from the Agats Diocese.